Friday, May 23, 2008


Not wanting to beleaguer the seed to plant metaphor, a la Chris Stevens (John Corbett). Blue Jay was not all that excited about starting seedlings in peat planter pots or about labeling them. And, Blue Jay Natural Dye has been dormant.

Lucy and I labeled a bunch of Popsicle sticks that Blue Jay had for crafts. I had some gardening soil and planted various seeds. As a result, the best performers as far as seedlings go have been the Hopi and regular Sunflowers, and the peas. The Scarlet Starlet Marigolds and the other Marigolds are starting to sprout as well.

On Sunday, Blue Jay and I started to plant the peat pots in the gardens (in 311 along the back and 88 along the west side), and , but just the Sunflowers. I trenched with a hoe, Blue Jay watered the trench, and retrieved the peat pots. I cut them apart, and gave her instructions on the distance to place them, about six inches apart. She filled in between the seedlings with dirt and then re-watered them.

Blue Jay did make the remark, “I wish we could just do the dying?” On the other hand she was very excited to be part of the planting process.

Anyway Blue Jay now has the task of keeping the Sunflowers watered. We’ll do the rest of the planting next weekend. The Indigo and the Woad seeds did arrive. So we’ll include those in the weekend plant. The Indigo are really tall so they will go on the north side of 88. The shorter plants will go to the front.

I’ve been keeping my eye out on the morning dog walks for the starts of the Black Eyed Susans and the other Rock Island natives. I haven’t seen them yet.